The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland
PhD Student, September Sept. 2013 - Aug. 2018
Linguistics and English Language
PhD Thesis: Cross-linguistic Variation of /s/ as an Index of
Non-Normative Sexual Orientation and
Masculinity in French and German Men
Primary Supervisor: Dr Lauren Hall-Lew
Secondary Supervisor: Dr Josef Fruehwald
Viva Examiners: Dr Erez Levon - External Examiner
(Queen Mary University of London)
Dr Claire Cowie - Internal Examiner
(The University of Edinburgh)
The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland
Master of Science, November 2012
Evolution of Language and Cognition
MSc Dissertation: Phonetic Variation of Scottish Politicians in
Supervisor: Dr Lauren Hall-Lew
Hastings College, Hastings, Nebraska, USA
Bachelor of Arts, May 2009
English Language and Linguistics & Theatre Arts