2022 Boyd, Zac & Míša Hejná. 2022. Friend or foe? The 'Critical Role' of voice quality in non-player
characters voiced by Matt Mercer. Paper presentation at New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV)
50. 13-15 October. University of Stanford. San Jose, CA, USA.
2019 Fruehwald, Josef, Lauren Hall-Lew, Zac Boyd, Claire Cowie, Mirjam Eiswirth, & Zuzana Elliott. A
phonetic analysis of the which~witch merger in Edinburgh, Scotland. Paper presentation at ICLaVE 10.
26-28 June. Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.
2019 Fruehwald, Josef, Lauren Hall-Lew, Zac Boyd, Claire Cowie, Mirjam Eiswirth, & Zuzana Elliott. A
phonetic analysis of the which~witch merger in Edinburgh, Scotland. Poster presentation at UKLVC 12.
3-5 September. Queen Mary University of London and University College London, London, UK.
2018 Boyd, Zac & Lauren Hall-Lew. Stylistic variation in eliciting controlled but spontaneous speech. Poster
presentation at New Ways of Analyzing Variation 47 (NWAV). 18-21 October 2018. New York
University, New York, New York, USA.
2017 Boyd, Zac. A certain kind of gay identity: [s+] and contextually mediated variation in gay French and
German men. Paper presentation at New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 46: Progress. 2-5
November. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, WI, USA.
2017 Boyd, Zac, Josef Fruehwald, & Lauren Hall-Lew. Similar production, different perception: Social meaning in
cross-linguistic speech perception. Paper presentation at UK Variation and Change (UKLVC) 11. 29-31
August. Cardiff University. Cardiff, UK.
2017 Boyd, Zac, Josef Fruehwald, & Lauren Hall-Lew. Gay and straight French and German men use different
/s/-es but don't perceive them differently. Paper presentation at Lavender Languages & Linguistics 24 .
28-30 April. University of Nottingham. Nottingham, UK.
2016 Boyd, Zac, Josef Fruehwald, & Lauren Hall-Lew. Sexual Orientation, Masculinity and the Cross-linguistic
perceptions of /s/. Poster presentation at NWAV 45: Intersections. 3-6 November. Vancouver, Canada
2016 Hall-Lew, Lauren & Zac Boyd Phonetic Variation and Self-Recorded Data. Paper presentation at NWAV
45. 3-6 November. Vancouver, Canada
2016 Boyd, Zac. Sibilance and gay identity in L2 English speaking French and German men. Paper presentation
at New Sounds 2016. 10-12 June 2016. Aarhus University. Aarhus, Denmark.
2016 Boyd, Zac, Lauren Hall-Lew. Speech Style as a Predictor of /s/ Variation Across Multiple Contexts. Poster
presentation at The 2016 British Association of Academic Phonatitions (BAAP) Colloquium. 30 March -
1 April, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.
2015 Boyd, Zac. Gay Identity and /s/ Variation in French and German L2 English Speakers. Poster presentation
at NWAV44. 22 – 25 October, Toronto, Canada.
2015 Boyd, Zac. Indexing Sexual Orientation in Non-Native Speakers of English. Paper presentation at UKLVC
10. 1 – 3 September, The University of York, York, United Kingdom.
2015 Boyd, Zac, Zuzanna Elliott, Josef Fruehwald, Lauren Hall-Lew, & Daniel Lawrence. An Evaluation of
Different Sociolinguistic Elicitation Methods. Paper presentation at the 18th International Congress of
Phonetic Science (ICPhS 2015). 10 – 14 August. Glasgow, United Kingdom.
2015 Boyd, Zac. Gay Identity and Sibilant Variation in Non-Native Speakers of English. Paper presentation at
the Sociolinguistic Summer School 6 (SSS6). 4 – 7 August. Trinity College Dublin. Dublin, Ireland.
2015 Boyd, Zac. Indexing Sexual Orientation in Non-Native Speakers of English. Poster presentation at the
International Conference of Language Variation in Europe 8 (ICLaVE8). 27 – 29 May, University of
Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany